Valentine’s Day 2022

Valentine’s Day 2022

Valentine’s Day this year feels bitter sweet for me. As many of you will know, we lost my amazing sister Lisa in May last year, at the age of just 44. It’s really hit home how hard this day must be for so many people who have lost a loved one.

I don’t tend to talk too much about it in this space, because I try and keep things as fun and light as I can. Kim & Tonic started as a side-project, and has grown into a little business I am hugely proud of, but much more than that, it’s consistently kept me going. It’s been a safe place for me, something to escape to, a creative outlet which has kept my mind and hands busy. But Lisa is always with me in everything I do. She’s the first thing I think of when I wake up, and the last thing before bed, as well as many times throughout the day. I still sometimes go to call or text her, when there’s a completely random song that won’t leave my head (she always knew them too), or to share the new Netflix series I’m obsessed with, laugh at the latest hilarious thing my little boy has said, or to get her to diagnose any bizarre ailment that may crop up. I miss asking each other ‘whatcha doin?’ And that’s just the small daft things. There’s obviously all the big stuff I miss sharing with her too.

She was just so supportive of me, and even though I think she thought I was mad when I decided to give Kim & Tonic a go full-time (she was a lot more sensible than me), she supported me wholeheartedly. And so much of her awesome, random, sarcastic sense of humour goes into what I do.

On Valentine’s Day last year, I launched my ‘love’ sweatshirt, which I had originally designed and made for Lisa, and I liked it so much I added it to my shop. This year, in memory of her, I’ve created a little addition to the sleeve, ‘always’. 20% of all profits from this jumper will be donated to the charity that we have set up in Lisa’s honour - Lisa Shaw’s Little’uns. The charity is dedicated to helping kids who have lost a parent or carer, and bring them some smiles through funding holidays, days out, experiences and creative outlets. Our Just Giving page has already reached over £39K, and we are edging ever closer to our current target of £44K. If you would like to donate, please head to:

We are almost there with getting the official charity set up, and this money will be an awesome way to kickstart it. Thank you so much to everyone that has donated so far, I can’t tell you how much it has meant to our family, and we are so excited to get started helping other families.

I hope this post hasn’t made you sad, because that certainly wasn’t my intention. I tend to bundle away my feelings a lot, and sometimes need to let them out. I’m off to buy a load of Valentine’s Day cards for all my friends and family - Card Factory look out! 😜 And apologies to the staff at Starbucks who had to see my cry-face as I sat and wrote this post, whilst having a bit of self-love in the form of an almond croissant and caramel latte.

Love you always Lis, and miss you so much, my big little sis. ❤ xxx

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